WiFi enabled Nixie clock using ESP8266
It was a about time someone mixed Nixie tubes and ESP8266 in their project. This clock is not just a clock, it also displays weather forecast and it is all packed nicely in a cool looking retro enclosure.
The interesting thing about this project is that there is no additional microcontroller - it is all powered by ESP8266 WIFI SoC with code written in Arduino 1.6.5. Yes, ESP8266 can run Arduino code also! Tubes are driven by HV5622 which is actually four 74HC595 shift registers in single package.
All in all, it is a very well done project!
© SonikTech
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comment [1]
- From niam on 14-01-2016 at 03:20:59
cool tutorial a href=""./aa
href=""./aa href=""./aa
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