/Schematics/Telephone circuits

Title Short description Rate Download
Audio pickup from phone line Picks-up audio signal when near a phone that is in use. 2.86 2,774
Caller ID and ring generator Uses AT90S1200 and generates FSK tones Bell 202 standard for communication and caller id. 2.84 2,126
Caller ID with 7-seg display DTMF Caller ID, not FSK but DTMF. 2.92 2,360
Half-a-phone A phone that can only accept calls. 2.89 1,754
LED monitor for phone line Turns LED ON when phone line is in use. 2.95 1,323
LED-blink monitor for phone line Blinks LED while phone line is in use. 2.90 1,158
Nice telephone ring melody Nice telephone ring melody device. 2.85 2,204
Phone line in use indicator Very simple device with two LEDs as indicators. 2.93 1,063
Phone ring generator v1 Generates voltage across phone line in order for phone to ring. Works on 12V. 2.91 1,052
Phone ring generator v2 Generates voltage across phone line in order for phone to ring. Works on 9V. 2.89 1,052
Smart telephone light Turns on lights when phone rings and if in dark. 2.91 2,138
Telephone answering machine Telephone answering machine. 2.95 1,748
Telephone audio amplifier Amplifies telephone audio signal. 2.89 1,646
Telephone exchange with 2 numbers Small telephone exchange with 2 numbers. 2.89 3,921
Telephone hold with music Keeps phone line open and plays audio signal on it. 2.95 1,073

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