DSO Shell DSO150 Assembly Video
Recently I received this small digital storage oscilloscope called DSO Shell (DSO150) made by Chinese company called JYETech. Device is purchased as a KIT which means that some assembly at home is required before device can be used.
I must say that I am pleasantly surprised on how the device performs. It is a very handy 200kHz DSO that can be used to debug various signals up to 200kHz and 100Vpp.
Entire DIY assembly process can be seen in the video after the break. Video is not in english, but English subtitles are available!
Assembly process was very straightforward and I had no troubles with assembling the unit I received in mail. It comes with a 2.4" 320×240 colour LCD that looks great, has 4 buttons and a rotary knob. It is a single-channel-input version which is just enough for tasks where you want to visualize one signal. Three trigger modes are available: auto, normal and single and it can store 1024 points of your signal to internal EEPROM.
The only downside is that it does not have internal battery, but there is enough space to fit your own lithium battery with step-up converter (boost converter) so that device is truly mobile.
As you will see at the end of the video - the device performs great and I am very happy with my purchase!
Important thing to note is that there are many clones available online, but those sellers either do not deliver the device at the end, or the device does not perform as originally designed by JYETech. So when buying, make sure you get the original device and not the clone. That way you get the best quality for your money and also support further development!
Make sure you enable subtitles for the video.
Link for purchasing original DSO from the video:
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comment [1]
- From Marko on 23-03-2018 at 03:03:14
Sa ograničenjem STM32F103C8 mikrokontrolora koji ga pokreće, pa ako vam je 200kHz bandwidth i
50V max dovoljno, onda je korisna džepna spravica.
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