/Schematics/Microcontrollers/SMS controller with AT90S2313

Control your appliances via SMS messages with AT90S2313 and Ericsson GSM.

Author (sent by): Serasidis

Download counter: 6,174

Rating: (2.93, votes 2471)


Date: 24-08-2004

Lokalna verzija ove stranice: Upravljanje uređajima SMS porukama sa AT90S2313


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Problem je u tome sto je rutina za poruke primanje i slanje nije napisana za nasu mrezu vec za grcku.
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comment [1]

uredjaj sam probao isprogramirao hex i to nije radilo u cemu je problem

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How much is = also add letter "a" at the end of your result! Eg.: 7a

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