/Schematics/Everything else/TV RF signal amplifier

Quote: "Great RF amplifier up to 14dB of gain. Tested with network analyzer HP8754A. It works for more than 8 years now. It is powered from coax. cable and works on 12V."

Author (sent by): Bancilo

Download counter: 2,411

Rating: (2.89, votes 1811)


Date: 11-10-2006

Lokalna verzija ove stranice: TV RF pojačavač


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Sjajaj pojacivac ali moze vrijednost otpornika i shema nacrtana u nekom el. programu jer u ovome simulatoru se tesko snalazim. Inace shema ti je super, samo da vrijednost otpornika i capacitora, inductora

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How much is = also add letter "a" at the end of your result! Eg.: 7a

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