Phone modding for paranoids

There was this document about how it is possible to eavesdrop people using their GSM phones even when they are turned off or not in a call. Some people took this info seriously and decided to neutralize this threat.

Removing battery from a phone is also possible but that disables the phone completely and makes call receiving impossible. The idea is to simply short-circuit the microphone contacts when phone is not in use. So, reed switch in combination with a magnet is used to make the whole thing work.

© Dan

[ Source: Dan ]

Modifikovanje GSM telefona protiv prisluškivanja Bookmark and Share Comments (4)

comment [4]

Nekada je bitnije odrediti lokaciju na kojoj se nalazi korisnik telefona nego sadržaj razgovora, pa i o tome treba voditi računa. To sa vađenjem baterije koliko je sigurno,a vidi se i na ovoj slici mala baterija koja je zalemljena u telefonu i čuva memoriju,ali i pomaže u "hitnim" situacijama...

comment [3]

Ma daj ko vodi takve razgovore da iako ga neko cuje da moze sta iskorisiti...
IP: n/a

comment [2]

Hehe.., ali ONI mogu čuti i kroz gumu :)
IP: n/a

comment [1]

Ja koristim jednostavniji način koji ne zahtjeva otvaranje uređaja - stavim ga u gumenu futrolu koja apsorbira zvukove i tako izolira mikroffon.
IP: n/a

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