
Programi za crtanje shema i pločica, simuliranje el. sklopova, savjeti. Diskusija o ostalim programima vezanim za elektroniku.

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Post by RIDIK »

BluePrint is a revolutionary new $10,000 document authoring tool, developed in the style of Microsoft Office, which quickly creates electronic drawings to drive the PCB fabrication and assembly processes. BluePrint provides more flexibility than PCB CAD solutions while still retaining all the intelligence that PCB CAD provides. PCB CAD allows only one view of the PCB at any one time. All data must be contained around this PCB view. PCB requires the use of layers to display a 'picture' of a document on the screen; however the document never actually exists in the database. BluePrint uses a drawing/sheet based approach and allows the user to create actual PCB documents (drill drawing, assembly drawing, parts list, etc) and stores them in an electronic release package.


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