Word Clock - published

I have been seeing these "Word Clocks" all over the internet for the past few years, but they never really impressed me much. Mostly because there is nothing special about them (from the electronics point of view) but after seeing QlockTwo made by Biegert&Funk I simply couldn't resist making one that looks that nice.

But of course, in my local language. Aside from different language, I wanted it to be able to display full time - every minute of an hour - so I ended up using 248 white LEDs. To keep that stealthy look I used two capacitive touch sensors under the glass (near left and right LED dots) as buttons for the user-input.


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comment [7]

Trebas da isprogramiras ATMEL AVR ATmega328P mikrokontroler. On se programira sa programatorom. Ako nemas programator, kupi ga na U polje za pretragu na upisi ovaj broj: 171046130769
IP: n/a

comment [6]

poceo sam raditi sat vecina je gotova cekam jos neke dijelove. samo mi nije jasan onaj dio oko programiranja sta se sve tocno treba programirat i kako?
IP: n/a

comment [5]

Svaka cast za ovo, divim se onome ko je ovo napravio i ja zelim da sebi dokazem da i ja mogu to napraviti. Jos jednom svaka cast i nek zna onaj ko je ovo napravio da mi je idol divim mu se svaka ti brate cast.

comment [4]

moze li se kupiti ovaj sat? 065563143

comment [3]

Trenutno se nema gdje kupiti, ali ga mozes sam napraviti :-)
IP: n/a

comment [2]

Svaka cast! Ovo ja zovem razmisljati drrugacije. Moze li se naruciti ovaj sat, zelio bih da ga kupim!

comment [1]

Hi there, Congratulations on your Word Clock. You detailed instructions should allow almost everyone replicate your setup. Thanks for sharing such a great project.

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How much is = also add letter "a" at the end of your result! Eg.: 7a

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